Ned / Eng

Coming Sunday, July 21-2013, the exhibition of the Drawing Cabinet opens in Museum Waterland in Purmerend, the Netherlands: a collection of contemporary drawings of 130 Dutch draughtsmen.

There will be works made by among others Heleen Wiemer, Dorien de Wit, Lenneke van der Goot, Rozemarijn Westerink, Roosmarijn Schoonewelle, Gam Bodenhausen, Remco Dikken, Cathelijn van Goor, Pj Roggeband, Doreen Wittenbols and myself.

July 17 - July 28-2013
Opening: July 21 from 3-5 pm

Museum Waterland
Kaasmarkt 16, Pumerend, the Netherlands

Indoen (Tekenkabinet, 2013) - Richtje Reinsma